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Radial forging of a tubular workpiece | Simufact

With the radial forging module in Simufact Forming, the production of solid or hollow transmissions shafts, tubes or similar parts can be simulated. This video shows, how a tubular workpiece is forged. Further information: http://www.simufact.com/mechanical-joining.html For more information visit: http://www.simufact.com/ Subscribe the Simufact YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Simufact Follow us on Xing: https://www.xing.com/companies/simufactengineeringgmbh LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simufact-engineering-gmbh Twitter: https://twitter.com/simufact_en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SimufactDe1/videos Watch more Simufact videos in these playlists: Mechanical Joining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA0damiuRG8&list=PLgCGWL1OUcrrB0LRjfV7iVYJtSAmineKt Open Die Forging: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK0k6S0jWKo&list=PLgCGWL1OUcrpGaAm7Lpg6dps5nETMzww4 Cold Forming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMeVrHUZVjw&list=PLgCGWL1OUcroZHwtmx4IyE2SEpkfq4u7s Simulation of manufacturing processes with Simufact: Knowing the outcome before you begin. Simulate and optimize manufacturing processes for metal working – this is the goal of the software solutions Simufact Forming and Simufact Welding. The software tools enable precise simulation of different processes and procedures in the manufacturing industry. Simufact Forming helps to simulate forming technology; Simufact Welding allwos to simulate welding processes. Process simulation helps to move the design and optimization of manufacturing processes to the virtual world of computers.

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