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Homesteading at Hawthorn Farm: Tomatoes in The Kitchen!

One tomato, two tomato, three tomato four… Hundreds of tomato varieties grow here in Woodinville, Washington—and they all have special uses. Join us as we learn from Hawthorn Farm about how they work with their tomatoes; from growing, to dehydrating to canning! You’ll come away with an introduction to make your own dried tomatoes and sauce. To learn more about Hawthorn Farm and their homestead, please visit: hawthornfarm.org This is a recording of a live webinar event hosted on Zoom. ** At 21 Acres, located in Woodinville, Washington, we inspire action to solve climate challenges by learning as a community to grow, eat, and live sustainably. Check out what's growing at 21 Acres! We're sharing resources for lifelong learners, gardeners, farmers, chefs, low-wasters, and fresh thinkers of all ages. Join us as we grow, eat, and learn together. 21 Acres and Hawthorn Farm are located in Woodinville, Washington, on the ancestral lands of indigenous nations including the Duwamish and Coast Salish peoples. We acknowledge these nations past and present as the original stewards of this land and honor both the land itself and the Coast Salish people past and present.We are deeply grateful to caretake this property for the community and future generations. LIKE this video and subscribe to our 21 Acres YouTube Channel. LEARN MORE with what's fresh in the Farm Market, Education Center, and Organic-certified Farm: https://mailchi.mp/21acres/virtualeducation MORE VIRTUAL LEARNING like this: https://21acres.org/classes-events/virtual-learning/ SUPPORT LOCAL FARMERS for resilient food systems: https://21acres.org/get-involved/resources-to-support-local-farmers/

Видео Homesteading at Hawthorn Farm: Tomatoes in The Kitchen! автора Intriguing Green Thumb
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