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Concentration Curl - Biceps Exercise

Concentration Curl - Biceps Exercise Download the app: https://mytraining.pro/ Read our community blog: http://friends.mytraining.pro/ (Starting Position) - Sit on the edge of a bench with your legs far apart and your feet flat on the floor. Grab a dumbbell with one hand, and then stabilize that elbow against your inner thigh - Hold the weight with your arm extended and your palm facing the other thigh. - Stabilize yourself by resting your free hand on your other thigh. This is the starting position. (First Movement) - Now, exhale as you lift the dumbbell by flexing your biceps. - Continue the movement until the weight is close to your shoulder and your biceps are fully contracted. - (Second Movement) Hold the contraction for a moment, and then inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Only your forearm should move during this exercise, so be sure to keep your torso stationary. When you finish your reps on that arm, switch sides and repeat the movements with your other arm.

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