Teaching Yoga Talks - with Trina Altman and Julie Martin
I'm really excited to have Trina Altman as a guest teacher on my new ONLINE level 2 teacher training this year. In this video we talk about lots of things including
0:00 An overview of what Trina will be teaching in my Level 2
3:24 How to break down the sensory experience - teaching people to FEEL
14:30 - Pain Science - our relationship with pain and expectation
22:40 - Biggest 'Aha' moment for most yoga teachers
Learn more about my Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training here: https://www.brahmaniyoga.com/excellence-empowerment-tt-course
Trina Altman, B.A., NCPT, received her training through STOTT PILATES® and is an E-RYT 500, YACEP®. She’s the creator of Yoga Deconstructed® and Pilates Deconstructed®, which take an interdisciplinary approach to foster an embodied understanding of yoga and Pilates and their relationship to modern movement science.
Trina has presented at Kripalu, the Yoga Alliance Leadership Conference and Momentum Fest, among others. Her work has been published in Yoga Journal, Yoga International, and Pilates Style magazine and her classes have been featured on Yoga International and Yoga Anytime. She also consulted for Equinox to help develop their signature program Best Stretch Ever, which utilizes the mobility stick to improve functional range of motion, body awareness, and total body strength and has presented an online training for Yoga International entitled Yoga Deconstructed®: Creative Sequencing with Somatics.
Her book, Yoga Deconstructed®: Movement Science Principles For Teaching is available everywhere books are sold. For more information on Trina and her online classes and courses, visit https://www.trinaaltman.com
Видео Teaching Yoga Talks - with Trina Altman and Julie Martin автора Математические играшки и игрушки
Видео Teaching Yoga Talks - with Trina Altman and Julie Martin автора Математические играшки и игрушки
14 января 2025 г. 7:07:11
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