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Oase ProfiClear Compact-M Drum another Fix Putting an Air Tap in the Airline 👍🏻

Welcome guys and gals. So today I am adapting the Drum again to fix the difference in the air stones in the drum and it has worked a treat 👍🏻👍🏻 I hope you enjoy, I hope it helps some of you doing something similar to me and if you have any questions drop me a comment 👍🏻 or find me on facebook 👇🏻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepingitkoi #Koi #Koifry #pondbuild #sleeperpond #sleeperpondwindow #koipond #pond #digging #amazing #sleepers #drumfilter #Oasepump #Oasedrum #oase @oasevideo Music by https://www.bensound.com

Видео Oase ProfiClear Compact-M Drum another Fix Putting an Air Tap in the Airline 👍🏻 автора Звездный путь математики
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