Addressing breastfeeding, corona virus, and the crisis of child abuse with one of the nation’s top
This week The Means Report turned it’s attention to your children and their health with the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Sally Goza. From Adverse Childhood Experiences to protecting your child’s mental health. And, of course, you cannot turn on the television or the radio or pick up a newspaper without hearing about the corona virus. Dr. Goza talks about it, how it impacts children, and what you need to know going forward to make sure that you keep your family in the best health possible.
Видео Addressing breastfeeding, corona virus, and the crisis of child abuse with one of the nation’s top автора Lovely Tech Toys
Видео Addressing breastfeeding, corona virus, and the crisis of child abuse with one of the nation’s top автора Lovely Tech Toys
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