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Tool for machining extremely hard valve seats! Mira, Serdi, Rottler, Berco...

New from the Marjanovic service! Tool for processing extremely hard valve seats, designed and adapted for all types of machines for processing them, Mira, Serdi, Rottler, Berco... The processing is carried out according to the principle of CNC machines, where the circular rotations of the spindle lead to the shearing movement of the knife (by feed). where accuracy is guaranteed. Specially intended for processing the cargo program, Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines as well as natural gas (methane) engines. For the price and any additional information, contact us on our phone numbers +38134713177,+38163602373 or email us at auto@servis-marjanovic.rs www.servis-marjanovic.rs

Видео Tool for machining extremely hard valve seats! Mira, Serdi, Rottler, Berco... автора Penguin Pursuits
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