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*BuildTime* 1/35 Italeri Tiger Tank - Part 2

Since I am not doing no custom jobs on this I will just build it straight out of the box. The Tank trends was the most difficult to work with trying to get the alignment just right. All the parts fits into place nicely with only some minor sanding and execss left over plastic on some parts. The barrel is the one part that had a seam line right down the center and I had a tough time sanding it down. I won't glue the gun on since if I have the chance I'm going to get a after market barrel for this tank. I then Black primed it followed by painting Titans blue 1 on it and using grey color from Mr hobby to give it some high light. Not bad for building and painting a 1/35 Tiger Tank. I hope to try another tank in the future. Join me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stryder_prime Join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stryder.prime Join me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/therealstryderprime/

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