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“Book of Knowledge”. Part 1. Chapter 7. People of Light (by Alexandra Kryuchkova)

The novel “BOOK of KNOWLEDGE” by Alexandra Kryuchkova, a participant of experiments on Time, Space and human capabilities, is a key to understanding oneself and the laws of the Universe. The novel is based on a TV film on Channel 1 of the Russian Federation (“Miracles of Healing”, broadcast on September 1, 2009, the author is a participant of the film and a student of R.A. Mansurova). The diary of a Magician about the Path to Light (Part 1. “Playing Another Reality” and Part 2. “Another Reality”) will become your friend and guide, give you Faith, Hope, Love and provide a chance to change your life for the better. Awards of the book: K. Castaneda, G. Gurdjieff, E. Blavatsky and others. Illustrated & translated by Alexandra Kryuchkova (the author of the book). Voiced by AI. Welcome to Another Reality! KRYUCHKOVA Alexandra, Honored Writer of the Moscow City Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, laureate of international literary awards: «Heritage», «Book of the Year», M. Bulgakov, F. Dostoevsky, A. Saint-Exupery, O. Wilde, L. Carroll, H. Chr. Andresen, E. Poe, С. Castaneda, etc. Her «Book of Secret Knowledge» exceeds 10,000 copies. Student of the legendary R.A. Mansurova, she took part in experiments on Time, Space and human capabilities. Nobel Prize Award in Literature nominee.

Видео “Book of Knowledge”. Part 1. Chapter 7. People of Light (by Alexandra Kryuchkova) автора Alexandra Kryuchkova
25 мая 2024 г. 12:42:35
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