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Stadium 002.m4v

Welcome to Part 2. We further testing Weapons on different Enemies. After some Time we set Fog in the Stadium and turn the Lights off. Then we start some big fight with different Enemies. At 1/3 of this Video we play the second Music. A Track of Unreal Tournament. At the laf of the Video we die because of some Turret. As we test the Air Strike Launcher is doensn't harm the Turret. So we try out some new things. We set Gravity to on which is a big Mistake as we enter the Stadium we see why.... All things move very slowly, even Big Momma got owned. After that we fight some Marines. As the Video goes to the End, we start a big Shitfest of Enemies all Types of them on all Colors which ends in a big War. All against all.

Видео Stadium 002.m4v автора Вселенные и бои героев
7 мая 2024 г. 18:19:54