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myPET Podcast: Flea Control For Dogs in 2021

Fleas, tiny yet a big problem! Over the years there have been significant advances in prevention and control options for fleas. So how do you pick the right flea control for your dog? In this episode of myPET Podcast Dr Glenn and Aria discuss the nasty biting parasites that are fleas and how they effect dogs. They break down what flea control products there are for cats and how they work to help you pick the right one for your dog. -------- Content in this video -------- 00:00 Introduction 00:53 Why do we need to use flea control in dogs? 05:08 Flea prevention and treatment options 06:05 Which product is right for you? 06:43 Bravecto 07:14 Simparica Trio 07:18 Nexgard Spectra 07:23 What if you don't live in a tick area? 08:35 Different applications & their effectiveness 09:32 Should you stick to the same treatment or rotate what you use? 13:21 Tips for giving oral medication 14:54 Product safety 19:05 Bottom line for flea control Shop the full range of Flea Control products available for dogs at vet-n-pet DIRECT here https://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/collections/flea-tick-control-for-dogs Subscribe to the myPET Podcast so you don't miss an episode, plus that way you can simply search through our podcast library to find any episodes of interest. Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher, just search for myPET Podcast, or listen through our website at https://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/pages/mypet-podcast 🎙 Let us know what you think or if you have suggestions for other topics you might like to have covered. If you love Aria and Glenn's pet lover t-shirts you can buy them online from Furriends here: Shop for Aria's "LOVE" shirt from Furriends here: https://www.furriends.com.au/collections/womens-fitted-tees-tops/products/furriends-love-womens-slim-fit-tee Shop for Glenn's "Dog Lover" tee from Furriends here: https://www.furriends.com.au/collections/mens-t-shirts-and-tops/products/furriends-dog-person-mens-regular-fit-tee

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