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Sterling By Music Man AXIS

Shout out to Ike & Flipside Music in Denver. He made me a deal! The Axis is very much an entry level guitar in line with a Squier or the low end Gretsch, Guild Surfliner, etc. Quality control is an issue so be sure to check them out closely. https://flipside-music.com/ Ok, I found one vid that shows position #2 as the outside coil of the bridge PUP. The coil closest to the bridge. It also shows position #4 as the inside coil of the neck PUP. As I recall that is different than what I found for my Rock Star Energy Drink Sterling. This model is selling for $450 as of March, 2023. The one with extra yummy Quilted Maple is $480. Everyone mostly agrees that it has a 12 inch radius except for MF & GC who state it is a 9.5 radius. Weight is just a pinch under 8 pounds & that is a veneer top. I'm running this through the Boss EBand (Greatest practice amp!) through a powered speaker. Of course alex hutchings didn't play a Sterling. Not sure what he played but it was a solid body fusiony guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZGjMPiKjlg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7TqoIj9WH4

Видео Sterling By Music Man AXIS автора Feline Friday Fun
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