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What's inside | A stopmotion animation by dina A Amin

What’s inside the products we throw away 👀✨ A compilation of all the thrown away products I took apart for the guessing game series I did with ifixit on Instagram 👩🔧 A HUGE thank you to my Patrons who funded this project. Grateful. Get the Limited Edition Stop motion AR Print: https://www.dinaaamin.com/shop/whats-inside-limited-edition-print Join my Skillshare class! Stop Motion for Beginners: Create Expert Animations in Dragonframe: Get a month free through this link: https://skl.sh/3ypbT7r Follow me elsewhere: https://www.patreon.com/dinaaamin https://www.instagram.com/dina.a.amin/ https://www.facebook.com/dinawhotinkers/ #stopmotion #animation

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