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Elite dreadbloon ranked in 03:32:63 (top 50) + round 1-60 farming | Bloons TD 6

I got the bug that after you defeat a tier, you get penalty when the round is still going. I got it on t3 and 4 but I’ve heard that you can get it every tier except t5. This bug should be fixed because I lost 7 seconds on t3 and 1 second on t4. You can back out, but you’ll lose time or even GAIN time weirdly. It’s complete rng. Anyways this run was fun Paragon degrees: t3: deg 20 boomer t4: deg 23 ace and deg 40 engi t5: deg 53 ace, deg 40 engi, deg 30 boomer and deg 30 ninja

Видео Elite dreadbloon ranked in 03:32:63 (top 50) + round 1-60 farming | Bloons TD 6 автора Future Tech Today and Tomorrow
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