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There are still TDIs out there with a lot of dieselgate warranty left! I'll show you how

I show you how to find a VW TDI with a significant amount of warranty left from the EPA forced fix for the diesel cars. 2015 had more warranty than the previous years; 11 years or 162,000 from the original in-service date. I event talk about an Audi that qualifies for the warranty too! Helpful links: https://vwdieselinfo.com/ https://audidiesellookup.com/ I'm Double J and I love to talk about everything automotive. I like to keep people updated on my project vehicles, and daily drivers. I also like to give buying advise and find great warranties that otherwise may be lesser known. Please subscribe, like and watch my other videos. I'm going to make a real effort to get content up once a week. The more you like and subscribe, the more I'll make! I'd love for this to take off as cars are one of my true passions. Email: doublejslist@gmail.com Instagram: doublejslist Facebook: Double J’s List https://doublejslist.com

Видео There are still TDIs out there with a lot of dieselgate warranty left! I'll show you how автора Автомеханический сервис
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