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Haplogroup E1b1b

Haplogroup E1b1b is primarily associated with the influence of historical migrations by Phoenician traders into Europe. This haplogroup is believed to have originated in East Africa or the Near East and spread to the Mediterranean and parts of Europe through the maritime trading activities of the Phoenicians, an ancient Semitic-speaking people who originated from the region of modern Lebanon. They were renowned for their seafaring skills and established a network of colonies and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean Basin, including on the Iberian Peninsula and along the North African coast. This spread facilitated the genetic imprint of haplogroup E1b1b in these regions, marking a significant impact on the genetic landscape of the Mediterranean and parts of Southern Europe. Problem: Haplogroup E1b1b is primarily associated with the influence of which historical migrations into Europe? A) Germanic tribes B) Phoenician traders C) Viking explorers D) Neolithic farmers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4pAf-ircGo

Видео Haplogroup E1b1b автора Nikolay's Genetics Lessons
19 апреля 2024 г. 0:08:04