Sea odyssey. In the footsteps of Cousteau. Snorkeling and Diving in the Philippines. Ep 7. 01/08/24
As always, by tradition, we are looking for interesting species of sea creatures in the Pacific Ocean. Location - Philippines, Lavigan district. Shooting date 01/08/24
#PacificOcean #travel #tourism #snorkeling
Видео Sea odyssey. In the footsteps of Cousteau. Snorkeling and Diving in the Philippines. Ep 7. 01/08/24 автора SlavikLife
Видео Sea odyssey. In the footsteps of Cousteau. Snorkeling and Diving in the Philippines. Ep 7. 01/08/24 автора SlavikLife
10 января 2025 г. 7:50:32
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