🟣 Debate It! - Is it our job to look after the environment?🟣
🟣 A debate for all ages - and maybe one that is not appreciated for its simplicity.
🟣 #YES - it is a job for everyone. Whether you recycle your plastic, have less food waste or just walk to the shops instead of driving - there are many ways we can help the environment on a daily basis. Small things, done by many people, can create an enormous impact.
🟣 #NO - large companies overshadow any fuel or energy savings that individuals can make. Air travel - particularly private jets! - cause immense harm to the atmosphere. Governments need to push legislation to create change in the corporate world which would have a much larger impact than one person walking to work.
🟣 Whatever the side of the debate you are on, its important to consider all perspectives. Can you see things from another point of view? How can you use this power to change the way things work?
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Видео 🟣 Debate It! - Is it our job to look after the environment?🟣 автора Экология и спорт
Видео 🟣 Debate It! - Is it our job to look after the environment?🟣 автора Экология и спорт
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