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Dota 2 | "I GOT A RAPIER GUYS, WE'RE GOOD" | Shark Plays Jakiro

I played some more Dota! I picked Jakiro, just cause I alwyas like playing Jakiro, and I may have gone a bit overboard on my final item choice. Thanks for watching! Make sure to like, comment and subscribe! Have a great day! ►Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/570/ ►Playlist for this game: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXLfxpSSmoWVfjLbByHE_WJ7z_s-vC02_ ►Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2cwSUR6 ►Twitter: twitter.com/Sharktoothman11 ►Reddit: reddit.com/u/sharktoothman11/ ►Google+: http://bit.ly/2d3pNps ►Instagram: instagram.com/sharktoothman11/ ►Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/sharktoothsquadron ►Outro Music by timaeus222: https://soundcloud.com/timaeus222/megaman-star-force-andromeda-remix ►Thumbnail Art: http://geying.deviantart.com/art/DotA-2-Jakiro-the-Twin-Head-Dragon-448568636

Видео Dota 2 | "I GOT A RAPIER GUYS, WE'RE GOOD" | Shark Plays Jakiro автора Wildlife Explorers Club
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