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Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 82 | 22 Dec 2023 | Full Episode

Click here to Subscribe to SONY AATH Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBz9qbqujcjIavFmBJW2oZw?sub_confirmation=1 Harsh Verma confesses in front of Dr. Devendra Kapoor about his personal life and an affair that he has with MLA Shastri's daughter Vandana. Later Dr. Kapoor handovers the confession tape to his associate Deepika who keeps his tape in the doctor's safe which later gets robbed by Deepika's brother Abhishek and Dr. Kapoor decides to kill Abhishek but he is already dead. Will K.D. Pathak prove Dr. Devendra Kapoor innocent? #kdpathak #crime #adaalat #ronitroy #আদালত About Adaalat : ------------------------- Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end. Click here to watch more interesting episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5O3zv2ZcAShYoWDR-Y_U34nvPz3rqy6h

Видео Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 82 | 22 Dec 2023 | Full Episode автора Автомастерская знаний
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