Woman Turns Green Like Shrek After Using Fake Tan | ISH News
In India, we always feel that if a person is fair, then she is beautiful. We try so many products to make our skin look fair. However in western countries, it is not the same. It is believed that if the person is very fair, they look pale and sick. So these people use products to make their skin look tan (brown). These ‘fake tan’ products come as mousse (creams), spray or lotion. When these are applied the skin becomes brown and they feel healthy.
Devon Birkett is a 25 year old mental health care worker from England. She shared the experience of how her skin turned green after using a dark fake tan. Devon usually does fake tan once a week. She was to go out with her friends the next day and she wanted to look nice. She usually puts a layer and sleeps in it and then washes it off the next day. So after a pre-tanning ritual of exfoliating and moisturising, Devon applied one layer of Moriz Darker than Dark mousse (cream) tanning product to her body and face. Then she settled down to watch TV. She had her feet up on the coffee table and when she looked at the feet they were really, really green. She jumped up and looked in the mirror and that's when she noticed how green her face was, I looked like Shrek - it was bright green. Shocked Devon video-called a few of her friends to document it because she found it funny, she wanted to show it to them, Her friends laughed at her and compared her to Shrek. She then showered for 20 minutes to scrub it off. Her bath water too reflected the green colour that had previously been on her skin. Devon said, "I am naturally quite pale - like a ghost. I like to fake tan because it makes me feel more confident. I like getting a bit of a golden glow. I was just in shock, I couldn't believe it. I have used it for years and this has never happened before. The tan was in date, and also when it squirted out, it was the normal brown colour. It came off ok. I got a normal tan colour but there was still a tinge of green under it, but it wasn't as bad.”
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Видео Woman Turns Green Like Shrek After Using Fake Tan | ISH News автора Bartending with Seasonal Produce
Видео Woman Turns Green Like Shrek After Using Fake Tan | ISH News автора Bartending with Seasonal Produce
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