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BMW Avery Satin Bubblegum Pink Full Exterior Color Change Wrap Time Lapse

For this customer‘s 21st birthday they wanted a brand new two-door BMW coupe, but they wanted it in a specific color. They couldn’t find exactly what they needed so they started out with a OEM gloss black metallic and brought it to AUTUKO for customizing it for her 21st birthday in a Avery satin bubblegum pink full exterior color change wrap!! Please check out our website www.Autuko.com and feel free to get a free consultation to help you with all your wrapping needs. Autuko Automotive Customizing 7519 Ranco Road Richmond VA 23228 Phone:804-641-6408 Email: autuko @ gmail.com ____________________ #averypink #bubblegumpink #Averysatinbubblegumpink #bmw #bmwwrap #Pinkwrap #wrapping #autuko #autukoautomotivecustomizing #vehiclewraps #vinylwraps #vinylwrapping #vinylwrapped #carwrapping #carwraps

Видео BMW Avery Satin Bubblegum Pink Full Exterior Color Change Wrap Time Lapse автора VW Space Odyssey
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