The Proper Way To Change The Oil On an Alfa Romeo 4C. Detailed Description Below. Super Easy!
Alfa Romeo Oil filter part #0055256371-001:
Alfa Romeo sump plug washer with rubber insert:
6 quarts of Euro Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5W-40:
14 T-30 Torx bolts to remove lower flat panel
Drain plug size - 13mm socket
Drain Plug - 15 foot pounds of torque
Have a can of brake cleaner handy
Some rags
Reset oil change light:
Hold down gas pedal, while holding down gas pedal, press brake pedal 6 times, then hold both brake and gas pedal for 10 seconds, light should go away.
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Видео The Proper Way To Change The Oil On an Alfa Romeo 4C. Detailed Description Below. Super Easy! автора Genuine Good Times
Видео The Proper Way To Change The Oil On an Alfa Romeo 4C. Detailed Description Below. Super Easy! автора Genuine Good Times
18 ч. 19 мин. назад
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