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Langebaan Downwind Dash 2015 race with windsurfing & kitesurfing to Saldanha Bay

Langebaan Downwind Dash 2015 race with windsurfing & kitesurfing Largest windsurfing and kitesurfing downwind slalom race from Langebaan to Saldanha. Great race between windsurfers and kitesurfers. Every year neck on neck finishes varying the podium position between windsurfers and kitesurfers. Other recreational wind powered craft also participate, eg. hobiecat Held once every year for the past 30 years. About 250-300 competitors take part. Downwind Dash website for more info: http://www.langebaandash.co.za/ Distance: +-21.5km Music: Rick Clarke - Full throttle Rick Clarke - Trance 2009 Filmed from a first person perspective in the race. Cam: GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition - 1080p SuperView 60fps Windsurf Gear: Board: JP SuperSport 116 (2007) Fin: Select Edge 39cm Sail: North Natural 7.3m Boom: Neil Pryde X9 190-230 Mast: North Red 460 CC 30% Wetsuit: Reef Harness Lines: Pro Limit adjustable Harness: Neil Pryde Seat Harness

Видео Langebaan Downwind Dash 2015 race with windsurfing & kitesurfing to Saldanha Bay автора Спортивные Интервью
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