Машинки Хот Вилс АТАКА ЛЕТУЧЕЙ МЫШИ Hot Wheels City Bat Manor Attack and Street Beasts
Видео для детей с машинками Хот Вилс, которые столкнулись с новым врагом в лице огромной летучей мыши. Хитрый и коварный монстр затаился в заброшенном доме, поджидая машинки хот вилс из серии streat Beats. Мальчик Даник, который очень любит играть с #хотвилс не допустит, чтобы крылатое чудовище навредило машинками и поможет им отразить атаку летучей мыши на город Hot Wheels City.
Hot Wheels City is being taken over by creatures! Use your Hot Wheels cars to stunt and battle your way through these themed sets to save Hot Wheels City. Battle the alligator hiding in the Gator Garage, defeat the bat hiding in the abandoned house, and don't get caught by the swinging spider in the park! Each set connects directly to other Hot Wheels City sets with our new connection system, still compatible with your orange track. Designed to inspire storytelling and creativity for 3-6 year old kids.
Смотрите ещё классные видео про машинки ХОТ ВИЛС:
Хот Вилс КОБРА атакует машинки https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NviwI1Gf9Ps&list=PL00lht_nJqaMTyTIj0n_odNHdiN42QQX9&index=2&t=0s
Самый большой трек хот вилс с гориллой https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34uLb_L7Bck&list=PL00lht_nJqaMTyTIj0n_odNHdiN42QQX9&index=4&t=316s
Хот Вилс трек УСКОРИТЕЛЬ МОЩНОСТИ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1EUiMv7piE&list=PL00lht_nJqaMTyTIj0n_odNHdiN42QQX9&index=6&t=13s
Hot Wheels атака дракона https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEOBRhRRra0&list=PL00lht_nJqaMTyTIj0n_odNHdiN42QQX9&index=8&t=4s
Машинки Хот Вилс рекордный прыжок https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4_tn23ueP8&list=PL00lht_nJqaMTyTIj0n_odNHdiN42QQX9&index=9&t=25s
Подписаться на канал Курносики Junior: http://goo.gl/4aPKEO
Носики Курносики https://www.youtube.com/user/NosikiKurnosikiPlay
Корзина Игрушек / Basket of Toys https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIn-bm53CC7ZuWSlBjLq1UQ
Мы в Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/nosikikurnosiki
Мы в Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nosiki_kurnosiki_play
Unlock Storytelling
These sets are all about storytelling play based on heroic action. Recognizable city locations and creature battles ignite the imagination. Kids can battle the alligator hiding in the garage, defeat the bat hiding in the abandoned house, take on the swinging spider in the park, confront the scorpion lurking in the drive-thru restaurant and wrestle the octopus at the docks!
New Way to Play with Hot Wheels Cars
Hot Wheels City sets focus on performance push-around play for kids from 3-8 years old with bold, colorful location based themes and an awesome nemesis kids can conquer with their Hot Wheels car to save Hot Wheels City.
Build Hot Wheels City
Each Hot Wheels City set connects to other Hot Wheels City sets and is compatible with orange track too (each sold separately, subject to availability). Put sets together and create a metropolis for hours of fun. Includes one Hot Wheels® vehicle.
What's in the box?
• Kid-favorite city locations and creature battles ignite the imagination and unlock storytelling action.
• Hot Wheels City sets focus on performance and push-around play for kids from 3-5 years old.
• Create an entire Hot Wheels City with iconic landmarks while battling creatures with 5 sets; Gator Garage Attack, Spider Park Attack, Bat Manor Attack, Octopus Pier Attack and Scorpion Drive-In Attack!
• Sets connect to other Hot Wheels City sets and orange track.
Видео Машинки Хот Вилс АТАКА ЛЕТУЧЕЙ МЫШИ Hot Wheels City Bat Manor Attack and Street Beasts автора Danik Junior
Видео Машинки Хот Вилс АТАКА ЛЕТУЧЕЙ МЫШИ Hot Wheels City Bat Manor Attack and Street Beasts автора Danik Junior
26 апреля 2018 г. 9:12:06
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