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My ARCH LINUX Experience

Have always wanted to try out Arch Linux, and in this video I finally got around to it! Join me as I document my journey installing, configuring, and using Arch for some daily tasks on an old Thinkpad. Overall an absolutely great experience, and will definitely be using Arch in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Useful Links: Hyprland: https://hyprland.org/ i3: https://i3wm.org/ Hyprland Config (ML4W): https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles Arch Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Main_page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:22 - Research 2:46 - Plans and Installation 5:23 - Basic Configuration 7:25 - Usage 12:08 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: All credit to @dpacarana, @victorfuertesmusic, and Steve Coleman! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use arch btw. #archlinux #computerscience #linux #thinkpad #lenovo

Видео My ARCH LINUX Experience автора Roofing Rangers
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