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final fantasy tribute

READ BEFORE WATCHING!! so heres the storyy. kadaj is realizing he has feelings for cloud and realizing how great he is. cloud is developing some feelings along the way,but cloud doesnt seem that intersted in kadaj. when kadaj dies and he spirit goes away from his body. cloud gets hit like a heart attack and starts to mourn for his loss,but as a friend. kadaj: i love yu cloud! cloud:... reno: i always knew you went that way. vincent:welll... kadaj: *yells* shut up! your ruining my moment! so cloud...? cloud: eww man im sorry, but noo reno:sighs then laughs. kadaj:MOTHER!

Видео final fantasy tribute автора Фан-клуб забытых секретов
16 мая 2024 г. 7:32:36