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How Many Earths Can Fit Into The Sun? | Sun and earth Size Comparison | Dr Jam Naveed

Planet Size Comparison (Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Sun) Music - Attribution The Sun, despite its hugeness, is a pretty ordinary star. There are stars bigger than the Sun, and everyone who's even slightly familiar with the subject knows that. But not everyone can even imagine to what extent other stars can be bigger than the Sun. There are giants. There are SUPERgiants. And then there are HYPERgiants. Let's focus on them, the hypergiants. Planets in our Universe can get extremely large, but stars get even bigger. In this video we explore the sizes of moons, planets, stars, and even beyond, including black holes and even galaxies. Basically a comparison of the entire Universe. soorij zmeen sy kitna bara hy سورج زمین سے کتنا بڑا ہے سورج اور زمین کے سائز کا موازنہ zmeen or sooraj sun or earth size comparison

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