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Diva Du Jour Thursday July 15 2010 - Your Daily Astrological & Tarot Aspects

DIVA DU JOUR - YOUR DAILY ASPECTS GUIDE: The Psychic Diva provides you with overviews for each day of the week. Insight through an intuitive reading with a tarot spread, including astrological and numerological aspects and other influences. These videos are posted daily. If you enjoyed this video please support The Psychic Diva's channel by voting thumbs up, sharing the video with others, leaving a comment and becoming a subscriber :-) YOUR WEEKLY STAR SIGN TAROLOGY: The Psychic Diva also provides insight and guidance for everyone with her weekly Tarology readings for each of the twelve star signs. A process whereby Leyna contributes further to astrological and numerological influences with a mini tarot reading, adding extra dimension and deeper insight into each star sign.

Видео Diva Du Jour Thursday July 15 2010 - Your Daily Astrological & Tarot Aspects автора Opel Journey
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