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Professor Seth Neugroschl - Air date: 06-04--00

Professor Seth Neugroschl. Co-Chair: Columbia University Seminar - "Computers, Man and Society"...... Computers, Man, and Society Networked computers are rapidly converging with telephones and TV into globally pervasive digital communications systems. These systems—and the emerging New Medium which they support—are increasingly impacting what and how we communicate with each other, ourselves, and the accumulating human record. The opportunities and threats these systems pose to personal and global quality of life, and even potentially to human survival, are very real and relatively little understood. Further, they can only be assessed in the context of the larger, rapidly changing realities—global to personal—in which they are embedded. This seminar offers humanists, technologists, physical and social scientists and practitioners a forum to move beyond their specialist frames of reference, to help evolve an integrated individual user and social system oriented view of this new human symbiote. Seminar: #467 Founded: 1966

Видео Professor Seth Neugroschl - Air date: 06-04--00 автора Empower Yourself
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