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SW: Republic Commando (Hard)(2:04:14)

Game time (2:02:44)
This was just manic. I don't think I'll ever have a clean run of this game, I ain't got the nerves for it. I'd say half the problems were my fault, and half were the random nonsense this thing can throw at you. My Ctrl key was broken so I had to move walk to Z instead of shift, and that made the few tricks that needed that button a bit more tricky. But I got through them. That basically sums up the run, that I got through everything, eventually. There were those moments where I got stuck, and then panicked, and it was a forgone conclusion I'd have to reload. The 'best' one was what Sev did at (51:48)
Looking back at the run, it was probably decent enough, I counted around 70 unnecessary quick loads, 25 I think were from weird unavoidable stuff, and 11 from Canyons of Death... But I see a lot of moments which did go to plan, it's just that by this point any time loss is frustrating so it stands out more.

Видео SW: Republic Commando (Hard)(2:04:14) канала Thinks The Clown
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19 декабря 2019 г. 0:03:28
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