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Ticking Bond Bomb... and Win an Annual Subscription of My Research

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Enter It’s the new world we live in. Negative interest rates, high bond prices, strong US dollar, and a stronger gold price.

When I was on a panel at a large resource conference 5 years ago… I stated in the coming years we would have further negative interest rates and higher bond prices. The other panelists and “gurus” stated that was “metaphysically impossible”.

Well, it’s exactly what happened and we are now in an era of Quantum Economics.

Be careful of following a dated “framework” by a dated guru.

For example, did you know that if you bought a French or German 10-year bond, you’d lose money?

Yes – yields on those 10-year government bonds are negative.

Let’s turn to their neighbor, Switzerland. It’s a pretty safe country so you’d think it would be hard to lose money there right?

Wrong. Lock your money up for 30 years and earn -0.192%.

Yes, you’re reading that right…

You give the Swiss Central Bank your cash for 30 years, and in 30 years they give you back less than you started with.

By keeping interest rates negative, the central banks are trying to create an environment that encourages consumer spending.

Or at least that’s the hope. Given EU inflation can barely get above 2% which would be considered healthy in a normal market, things are not even close to back to normal across the pond.

Financially Transmitted Diseases (FTD’s)

The United States has kept with its Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), even in the face of skyrocketing monthly inflationary numbers.

What was once perceived as an ultra-loose monetary stance is now a disciplined approach compared to Japan and the EU. And ZIRP and NIRP are critical to keeping the economy going.
#bondbomb #nirp #giveaway
Get ahead of the curve and invest alongside Marin as he finds never-before-seen opportunities in the new trillion dollar market of ESG, Carbon Credits, and Gold.

Grab Marin's Free Book: Resource Market Millionaire and get an inside look at his secrets for 1000% returns again and again.

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The Gleam widget will be selecting at least two winners at random, and the winner will be contacted via the email address you provide in the widget. (We have a strict privacy policy listed in the widget. Absolutely no personal information will be shared.) Each winner has 48 hours to claim the prize, or we will redraw a new winner. (Last time, we had a winner enter a fake email account and we couldn't reach the person, so we had to draw another winner... so be sure to leave a REAL email where we can reach you!)

For a full list of giveaway rules and requirements, please click the “Terms & Conditions” in the widget link above, before placing your entry.

This giveaway is open internationally, and all entrants must be 18 years of age (or older) to participate.

The contest ends on August 20th 2021, and the winners will be announced a few days after the contest ends, by email, and in the widget link above, so be sure to check back!

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Видео Ticking Bond Bomb... and Win an Annual Subscription of My Research канала Katusa Research
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7 августа 2021 г. 22:15:19