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中華民國中樞暨各界慶祝108年國慶大會|The 108th National Day Celebration of the Republic of China (Taiwan)


今(108)年國慶以「攜手世界 臺灣耀飛」為主題,主視覺設計以形似箭頭往右上前進的雙十符號,象徵臺灣追求進步的腳步不曾停歇,好,還要更好!奪目的大地綠,展現臺灣人的積極、活力;搶眼的熱情紫,秀出臺灣的友善、好客。繽紛的輔色藍、靛、黃、橘,如同這片孕育我們的土地,包容多元聲音,造就無限可能。




詳細資訊可上國慶官網 (網址:http://rocbirthday.tw/) 查詢。

The theme for the 2019 National Day celebration is "Taiwan Forward," and the key visual design features a double ten symbol that forms an image of two arrows pointing upward and to the right, symbolizing Taiwan's uninterrupted pursuit of progress. We're always trying to make a good thing better! The eye-catching earth-green half of the image alludes to the "go get 'em" energy of the Taiwanese people, while the equally striking passionate purple half reveals our friendly and hospitable nature. Then, the image changes colors, cycling through sky blue, indigo, yellow, and orange. It's as diverse as the land that gave birth to us and provides us with limitless possibilities.

At the National Day celebration on the morning of October 10 the Army Academy of the ROC, the Taipei Yuehfu Drum and Bugle Corps, Taiwan Pei De Dragon and Lion Dance Group, the ROC Tri-Service Honor Guard, and the ROC Marine Corps will all perform in front of the Presidential Office Building. There will also be an aerial procession consisting of Black Hawk helicopters from the Air Force, anti-submarine helicopters from the Navy, as well as Apache helicopters and SuperCobra attack helicopters from the Army.

At this year's National Day celebration, Anna Azusa Fujita and Father Edmund Ryden, both naturalized citizens, will join with 30 recent immigrants from Southeast Asia in singing the national anthem, thus highlighting our country's spirit of inclusiveness, and our willingness to join hands with the rest of the world to move forward together toward a harmonious and progressive future. At the same time, a transport helicopter from the ROC Army's Aviation and Special Forces Command will fly past the viewing platform with a huge ROC flag in tow.

The celebration will also feature a float parade carrying Taiwanese athletes who have medaled in a variety of international sporting events, award-winning technical and vocational talents, and military personnel who have been singled out for special recognition. The participants in this "Parade of Taiwanese Heroes" will be cheered on by the crowds, with whom they will join in celebrating the Double Tenth National Day.

For further information, please visit the official website of the National Day celebration (http://rocbirthday.tw).

Видео 中華民國中樞暨各界慶祝108年國慶大會|The 108th National Day Celebration of the Republic of China (Taiwan) канала presidentialoffice
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10 октября 2019 г. 9:39:15
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