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1848. The Boyne Water (Traditional Irish - Protestant)

The lyrics of this Ulster Protestant song commemorate King William III of Orange's victory over James II at the Battle of the Boyne. The tune is often played by Ulster loyalist marching bands.

The battle took place during the British Civil War of 1642 - 1651. King James II, as a very young Duke of York, was present with his father Charles at the Battle of Edge Hill in 1642.

Some of the historical events mentioned in the song include the death of the Duke of Schomberg, William of Orange's leading the Enniskillen cavalry across the River Boyne and the repulse of the Jacobite cavalry's counter-attacks.

One version of the song, though not the one I sing, suggests that victory in the battle saved the Ulster Protestant community from massacre by the Irish Catholics:

So praise God, all true Protestants, and I will say no further,
But had the Papists gained that day, there would have been open murder.
Although King James and many more were ne'er that way inclined,
It was not in their power to stop what the rabble they designed.

This song was requested by Norman Brendon.

Lyrics and chords:
Em ................... Dm .............................. Em
July the First in Oldbridge Town there was a grievous battle
...................................... Dm ............................. Em
Where many a man lay on the ground by the cannons that did rattle;

King James he pitched his tents between the lines for to retire,
................ Dm .................................................... Em ....... Dm .. Em
But King William threw his bomb-balls in and set them all on fire.

Thereat enraged they vowed revenge upon King William's forces
And often did cry vehemently that they would stop their courses;
A bullet from the Irish came and grazed King William's arm,
They thought His Majesty was slain, yet it did him little harm.

Duke Schomberg then, in friendly care, his King would often caution
To shun the spot where bullets hot retained their rapid motion;
But William said, “He don't deserve the name of Faith's Defender,
Who would not venture life and limb to make a foe surrender.”

When we the Boyne began to cross, the enemy descended,
But few of our brave men were lost, so stoutly we defended;
The Horse it was that first marched over, the Foot soon followed after,
But brave Duke Schomberg was no more by venturing over the water.

When valiant Schomberg he was slain, King William thus accosted
His warlike men for to march on and he would be the foremost;
“Brave boys,” he cried, “be not dismayed for the loss of one commander,
For God shall be our king this day and I'll be general under.”

Then stoutly we the Boyne did cross to give the enemies battle;
Our cannon to our foes' great cost, like thundering claps did rattle;
In majestic mien our Prince rode o'er, his men soon followed after,
With blow and shout put our foe to the rout, the day we crossed the water.

The Protestants of Drogheda have reason to be thankful
That they were not to bondage brought, they being but a handful;
First to the Tholsel they were brought and tried at Millmount after,
But brave King William set them free by venturing over the water.

The cunning French near to Duleek had taken up their quarters,
And fenced themselves on every side still waiting for new orders
But in the dead time of the night they set the fields on fire
And long before the morning light to Dublin did retire.

Then said King William to his men after the French departed
“I'm glad,” said he, “that none of ye seem to be faint-hearted;
So sheath your swords and rest awhile, in time we'll follow after.”
These words he uttered with a smile the day he crossed the water.

Come let us all with heart and voice applaud our faith's defender
Who at the Boyne his valor showed and made his foe surrender
To God above, the praise we'll give both now and ever after,
And bless the glorious memory of King William that crossed the Boyne water.
You can see a playlist of my Orange songs here:

Lyrics and chords of many of my songs are no longer available, as my website has expired. I am currently posting lyrics to the information panels on all my videos and those that are too long to post in full will be found here: https://raymondsfolkpage.wordpress.com

Видео 1848. The Boyne Water (Traditional Irish - Protestant) канала raymondcrooke
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18 сентября 2014 г. 17:36:27