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Gresham Groundcam

This setup is in the small village of Gresham, North Norfolk, UK. We are 10 minutes drive from the coast. The camera faces west.

Birds seen include wood pigeon, collared dove, great tit, blue tit, coal tit, long tailed tit, robin, blackbird, dunnock, chaffinch, magpie, jackdaw, pheasant, goldfinch, greenfinch and starling.
At night you will hear Tawny owls calling.
Bird food containing split maize, sunflower hearts, red dari, red and yellow millet, safflower, pinhead oatmeal, black sunflower, kibbled peas, linseed, peanut granules, canary seed, hempseed, niger seed and suet pellets.

As soon as it warms up the hedgehogs come out of hibernation and can be seen after dark coming to the feeders.
Food given are hedgehog bites and suet pellets containing insects.

At times you will hear Muntjac deer barking and occasionally a fox at night.

Other sounds will be helicopters flying out to the oil/gas rigs in the North Sea (on a daily basis). You will also hear jets from the RAF and USAF who do training/practice flights in the area. There are large bases not far from here.

I also have a camera on my feeder station on the following link:
Camera: Hikvision DS-2CD2663G0-IZS
Microphone: Vanxse Mini Microphone High Sensitive Pickup Audio Mic.

If anyone feels like donating a small amount towards feed purchases they can donate to my paypal account: https://www.paypal.me/greshamzim all gratefully received.

Any questions about anything please email me at alanandsally1@gmail.com

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Be respectful. No political, religious, racist, sexual or offensive comments. No spam, advertising for yourself and no comments about killing animals. You'll be given one warning, repeated offences will result in timeouts or suspension from the page.

Видео Gresham Groundcam канала Alan Robinson
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4 ноября 2020 г. 11:45:21