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Steve Souza of EXODUS inteview: the recent terrorist threats, Bon Scott, more

#exodus #thrash #metal
Steve Souza of EXODUS (http://exodusattack.com/) sat with Elliott Fullam of http://littlepunkpeople.net/ at the PlayStation Theatre in Times Square, NYC before their show with King Diamond on the Abigail Tour. Steve discusses being influenced by Bon Scott, his first concert he ever went to, his favorite records from some of the best metal bands, horror movies, and staying safe on tour while not letting the recent terror threats and news events stop the band from touring Europe in early 2016. He also talks about the possibility of a new record sometime in mid to late 2017. I would also like to add that Steve and the band played an AMAZING set later on after this interview. They sounded great and the energy was tremendous so make sure you see these guys on this tour! Thanks again, Steve!

Thanks for watching!

Видео Steve Souza of EXODUS inteview: the recent terrorist threats, Bon Scott, more канала Little Punk People
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