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From Cluj Napoca to Innsbruck part 2: Railjet from Budapest to Wien

Part 2 of the trip to Innsbruck covers the segment between Budapest and Vienna.
Unlike the previous part, the train service changed from EuroCity to Railjet, OBBs flagship train. As we approach more and more to Innsbruck the speed incrementally increases. If previously, 120kmh (estimatively) was the top, now 120 is the minimum and on many portions of the track 160 is a regular.
Big cudos to Hungarian state railway for their track! They have done a great job at implementing a great project. I am sure that in the future, trains will be able to reach speeds of up to 200kmh. Line is already stable, with little noise passing the carriage. Enjoy!

Partea a doua a calatoriei spre Innsbruck acopera segmentul dintre Budapesta si Viena. Spre deosebire de partea intai, am trecut de la tren EuroCity la Railjet, trenul cap-de-afis al OBB. Pe masura ce ne apropiem de Innsbruck, viteza comerciala creste de asemenea. Daca anterior, 120 kmh (aproximativ) era viteza maxima de rulare, acum 120 devine viteza minima, iar pe multe portiuni 160 se aitnge regulat.
Multe felicitari caii ferate ungare pentru implementarea buna a unui proiect bun. Sunt sigur ca in viitor, trenurile vor fi capabile sa atinga viteze comerciale de 200kmh. Linia este si asa stabila si foarte putin zgomot ajunge in vagoane. Sper sa va placa!

Видео From Cluj Napoca to Innsbruck part 2: Railjet from Budapest to Wien канала WinterSummer Trainspotting
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17 января 2020 г. 19:38:36