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#TheMentalist 3 - #PatrickJane confronts #RedJohn - Part 2

The Mentalist S03E23 "Strawberries and Cream" (Season 3) Finale End Scene
Patrick Jane confronts Red John face to face.
Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) and the Person who claims he is Red John Red John (Bradley Whitford)

Who are you? What's your name? Do I need to call security?

I'm just messing with ya.

You know who I am.

Tell me anyhow.

I have many names.

Some people call me "Red John."

Hollow points.

They make a fist-sized hole.

I won't hurt you if I don't need to.

It's great to meet you, face to face...

So to speak.

You know, the last time I saw you,

everything was so... hyper...

So unrelaxed.

It's hard to talk in that kind of environment.

How do I know you are who you say you are?

That's a deep question.

How does anyone really know who anyone is?

Who are you? What do you want?

When O'Laughlin told me about your little trap,

I was so happy.

The perfect opportunity

to teach you one last lesson in humility, but no.

You prevailed for once. Bravo.

Sincerely... bravo.

And you know what? It's a good thing.

It confirms what I've been thinking.

It is time to quit.


Yeah, no more killing, no more blood. Enough.

Been there, done that. Retiring.

Give myself a new face, a new identity.

Start a new life.

I have skills and--and resources

that I can use

to really make a positive change in this world

for other people. You know? For children.

I guess I've been...

pursuing my own dreams for so long, that I just...

I... I lost sight of what's truly important in this world.

I think that happens to a lot of people, don't you?

Am I supposed to laugh?

Why are you telling me all this?


I think we have a connection that needs to be honored.

I-I wanna say good-bye. I want to apologize...

For any pain I might have caused you,

and I want to release you from
this curse you've been under.

I'm not under a curse.

Doomed to an endless, angry search

for a vengeance you will never have.

I would call that a curse, wouldn't you?

I look on it more as a hobby, and I will have that vengeance.

Vengeance? On... on... on what?

Look at--look at me. I'm just a regular guy.

I bet you--you thought I'd have horns, huh?

Right? I'm not a monster.

I'm not the devil.

I'm just another human being with flaws

and vices and problems just like anybody else.

Forget about me.

I'm not worth ruining your life over.

Wherever you go, you delusional freak,

I will find you and I will kill you.

And then... then I will forget about you.

Tough guy.

Here I am.

Let's see what you can do. Come on.

You put that gun away, and I'll show you what I can do.

See how we sound?

We sound like kids on a playground.

Don't you see that I'm-- I'm trying to do you a favor?

Seeking revenge is a waste of your precious time.

Your life is precious, Patrick.

Get on with that precious life.

Find yourself a woman to love.

Start a family.

When you're dead.


I thought you might take that attitude.

Oh, well. I tried.


Hey, you can't just walk away.

I can't?

Your colleagues are gone.

What can you do to stop me?

I don't know that you really are Red John.

Fair enough.

Your wife was very clean.

She smelled like coal tar soap and lavender.

Your daughter smelled like sweat...

and strawberries and cream.

Some kind of kids' shampoo.

Please, wait.

Can I get the check, please?

The final confrontation between Jane and Red John was well played. Jane finally met the devil, face to face, and there were no horns. I was surprised when I saw Bradley Whitford in the role but pleasantly so. Red John didn't look like the big bad wolf. He was a guy who could be your next door neighbor - and wasn't that what made him so scary? That such evil could appear so completely innocuous?

In the end, I had the same thoughts as Jane. Was this really Red John? But when he told Jane his daughter smelled of "Strawberries & Cream," probably from her shampoo, well, they say that scent is a powerful trigger for memories. You could see those memories play out over Jane's expression. This was the man, the monster that had viciously murdered his family.

As Red John watched Jane's face crumble in grief and sadness, he almost smirked as he turned to walk away. But not so fast. With a "Please, wait" Jane looked Red John in the eye one more time before he shot him three times with the gun hidden in his pocket. Then he calmly sat back down at his table and finished his tea. Vengeance delivered.

Patrick Jane did exactly what he said he'd always do and I was happy to see it.

Where will next season take us? Has the Red John arc completely played out? I don't have the answers but I look forward to the fall out, lamenting the long summer until season four begins.

Read more: http://www.tvfanatic.com/2011/05/the-mentalist-review-strawberries-and-cream/

Видео #TheMentalist 3 - #PatrickJane confronts #RedJohn - Part 2 канала Straight Edge
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