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Нашествие Жучков на Кухне: Жуки Хлебные Точильщики Все Едят: Сухари, Крупы, Фрукты. Что Делать?

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/wBPgaJpS5c4 Нашествие Мелких Жучков на Кухне: Жуки Хлебные Точильщики Все Едят Подряд: Сухари, Крупы, Фрукты. Что Делать? Энтомолог. биолог, кандидат биол. наук Виктор Фурсов рассказывает и показывает вредителей запасов на вашей кухне - хлебного точильщика - на латыни Stegobium paniceum (Coleoptera, Anobiidae).
= Entomologist, biologist Dr Victor Fursov tells the story about life cycle, biology, damage of food and development of bisсuit beetle, Stegobium paniceum (Anobiidae, Coleoptera) as the commonest pest species of stored products in your kitchen, and how to rid of it.
Bisсuit beetle, or drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum, belongs to the family: Anobiidae. = = Description of beetles. = Beetles are oval shaped and reddish-brown in colour, the adult is 2.0-3.5mm long. Beetles have a cylindrical body that appears to be humped and are covered in dense short yellowish hairs.
A cosmopolitan pest, it can be found all across the world but is particularly prevalent in warmer regions and can survive in heated structures in more temperate climates.
They are fond of warmth and so are widely prevalent in shops and domestic larders, infesting a wide variety of dried matter and stored food products. It is also a serious pest of agricultural grain storage.
Behaviour of Stegobium paniceum. = This beetle is a pest of cereal products e.g. flour, bread, it is an indiscriminate eater and will feast on a wide variety of products from furs and leather to spices and even pharmaceutical products.

With such a varied diet it is found in a wide range of places, as it will survive on any type of food. These insects are winged but tend to travel by transferring from one food source to the next.
It lays its eggs on a food source and once they begin to hatch the larvae continue to feed on the food. In a warm atmosphere, there may be as many as four generations per year.
Risks of infestation. =
Biscuit beetles feed on a wide range of cereal crops and beverage concentrates. Infested products may be contaminated and products and packaging may be damaged. The larvae are able to penetrate tinfoil and sheet lead. Books and manuscripts may also be attacked.
The drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum), also known as the bread beetle or biscuit beetle, is a tiny, brown beetle that can be found infesting a wide variety of dried plant products.
The most effective method of ridding a home of this beetle is to try to discover the source of the infestation. Drugstore beetles often enter a home in bulk items like bird seed, grass seed, or dry pet food, where several generations of beetles can develop unnoticed. While adult beetles do not feed, they are adept at chewing holes.
Once inside the home, the adult beetles will lay their eggs on a variety of foods including whole grains, processed grains and vegetative material.

Food sources which can become infested include grains, flour, bread, rice, seeds, beans, pasta, cereals, bird seed, grass seed, potpourri, spices, teas, and tobacco. While they are highly adept at chewing out of cardboard, foil, and plastic film to escape the package in which they have undergone metamorphosis to adults, they are somewhat less likely to eat into a sealed, airtight foil or plastic bag.
Ideally, all open packages should be discarded in an infested home; however, it is also effective to freeze items if the entire contents can be brought below −20 C (−4 F).
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#жукиточильщики, #хлебныйточильщик,
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#Stegobiumpaniceum, #Anobiidae,
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#насекомыевдоме, #насекомыевшколе, #насекомыеподмикроскопом, #scienceUkraine, #наукаУкраина, #научпоп, #насекомые,
#наукаУкраїна, #ентомологіяУкраїна, #entomologyUkraine,

Uploaded: 06.V.2021, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE.
Загружено: 06.V.2021, Киев, столица Украины
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проект709 ЖУКИ Хлебные 05 05 2021 Bisquit Beetles Stegobium paniceum Petri Dish 341 7m

VIDEO LINK: = https://youtu.be/wBPgaJpS5c4

Видео Нашествие Жучков на Кухне: Жуки Хлебные Точильщики Все Едят: Сухари, Крупы, Фрукты. Что Делать? канала Dr Victor Fursov Entomologist Beekeeper Teacher
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