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Former Radar Station of Lefkada,Παλιά Ραντάρ Λευκάδας,NATO,4K


Standing on a ridge of the highest mountain of Lefkada island and next to an eerie old sand mine, on a deserted area where the winds are usually howling and the fog is laying low, an abandoned United States military radar base is a vivid reminder of the Cold War era.
Built in 1965, it consisted of the radars station and the nearby fully equipped military camp and was used for the communication between various NATO bases of the Mediterranean. The station had four huge radars and a power station with four generators. About 30 Americans and 15 local Greeks were working there.
The erection and the function of the radar base were met with skepticism, denouncements and objections by large parts of the Greek society that were opposing the existence of American bases on the country’s soil. There were even conspiracy theories about the occurrence of nuclear weapons hidden inside the base.
The base shut down early in the 1990s, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which signaled typically the end of the Cold War. Overlooking the roads to the central Karya village and the plateau of Englouvi, it was passed to hands of the Greek state and since then it lays abandoned and looted.


Στέκεται σε μια κορυφογραμμή του ψηλότερου βουνού του νησιού της Λευκάδας και δίπλα σε ένα απόκοσμο παλιό ορυχείο άμμου, σε μια έρημη περιοχή όπου οι άνεμοι συνήθως ουρλιάζουν και η ομίχλη είναι χαμηλά, μια εγκαταλειμμένη στρατιωτική βάση ραντάρ των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών είναι μια ζωντανή υπενθύμιση του Εποχή Ψυχρού Πολέμου.
Κατασκευάστηκε το 1965, αποτελούταν από τον σταθμό ραντάρ και το κοντινό πλήρως εξοπλισμένο στρατιωτικό στρατόπεδο και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την επικοινωνία μεταξύ διαφόρων βάσεων του ΝΑΤΟ στη Μεσόγειο. Ο σταθμός είχε τέσσερα τεράστια ραντάρ και έναν σταθμό παραγωγής ενέργειας με τέσσερις γεννήτριες. Εκεί εργάζονταν περίπου 30 Αμερικανοί και 15 ντόπιοι Έλληνες.
Η ανέγερση και η λειτουργία της βάσης ραντάρ αντιμετωπίστηκε με σκεπτικισμό, καταγγελίες και αντιρρήσεις από μεγάλα τμήματα της ελληνικής κοινωνίας που αντιτάχθηκαν στην ύπαρξη αμερικανικών βάσεων στο έδαφος της χώρας. Υπήρχαν ακόμη και θεωρίες συνωμοσίας για την εμφάνιση πυρηνικών όπλων κρυμμένα μέσα στη βάση.
Η βάση έκλεισε στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1990, λίγο μετά την πτώση του Τείχους του Βερολίνου, που σηματοδοτούσε συνήθως το τέλος του Ψυχρού Πολέμου. Με θέα τους δρόμους προς το κεντρικό χωριό Καρυά και το οροπέδιο της Εγκλουβής, πέρασε στα χέρια του ελληνικού κράτους και έκτοτε παραμένει εγκαταλελειμμένο και λεηλατημένο.


Stând pe o creastă a celui mai înalt munte al insulei Lefkada și lângă o veche mină de nisip ciudată, într-o zonă pustie, unde vânturile urlă de obicei și ceața se întinde jos, o bază radar militară abandonată a Statelor Unite este o reamintire vie a Epoca Războiului Rece.

Construită în 1965, a constat din stația de radare și tabăra militară complet echipată din apropiere și a fost folosită pentru comunicarea între diferite baze NATO din Marea Mediterană. Stația avea patru radare uriașe și o centrală electrică cu patru generatoare. Acolo lucrau aproximativ 30 de americani și 15 greci locali.

Construirea și funcționarea bazei radar au fost întâmpinate cu scepticism, denunțuri și obiecții de mari părți ale societății grecești care se opuneau existenței bazelor americane pe pământul țării. Au existat chiar și teorii ale conspirației despre apariția armelor nucleare ascunse în interiorul bazei.

Baza s-a închis la începutul anilor 1990, la scurt timp după căderea Zidului Berlinului, care a semnalat de obicei sfârșitul Războiului Rece. Cu vedere la drumurile către satul central Karya și platoul Englouvi, a fost trecut în mâinile statului grec și de atunci a rămas abandonat și jefuit.

Видео Former Radar Station of Lefkada,Παλιά Ραντάρ Λευκάδας,NATO,4K канала Simple Life Amazing Life
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