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Presser by Rwandan President regarding arrest of his aide in Frankfurt

(11 Nov 2008)
1. Rwandan President, Paul Kagame walking into news conference
2. Cutaway of photographer
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Rwandan President, Paul Kagame:
"All background of how she (Rose Kabuye) happens to be there is that it's in relation to the old and ongoing case which I should say, that exists between Rwanda and France, a case where a village judge in France assumed powers to try people, government officials in Rwanda and she happens to be one on the list of those who, according to that judge in the case that he thinks involves them."
4. Wide of news conference
5. Cutaway of media
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Rwandan President, Paul Kagame:
"If the problem was just about bringing pressure to bear on Kagame (himself) or if the issue was just to deal with Nkunda (rebel leader General Laurent Nkunda) then the problem would have been resolved long ago because that is very easy, very simple. But probably the problems of Congo go back 50 years, as old as me, so I could not have been the source of the problems of Congo."
7. Cutaway of journalists
8. Cutaway of cameraman
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Rwandan President, Paul Kagame:
"The issue of the Congo is not a European Union matter. The Congolese problem is primarily a Congolese problem, secondly, it is a regional problem."
10. Various of Kagame talking to officials as he leaves new conference
Rwandan president Paul Kagame commented on Tuesday on the arrest of a top aide in Germany in connection with an investigation into the presidential assassination that preceded the Rwanda's 1994 genocide.
Rwandan Chief of protocol, Rose Kabuye was arrested at Frankfurt airport on Sunday on a warrant from France, where she is wanted for questioning about the 1994 plane crash which killed the then-Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana.
Rwanda's genocide began hours after the plane was mysteriously shot down as it approached the capital, Kigali, on April 6, 1994.
The 100-day slaughter, in which more than 500-thousand minority Tutsis and moderate members of the Hutu majority were killed by Hutu extremists, ended after Tutsi-led rebels under Kagame ousted the Hutu government that orchestrated the killings.
Speaking at a news conference in Frankfurt, Kagame explained that Kabyue's arrest was part on an ongoing investigation into aides of Kagame, who French authorities suspect of involvement in the plane attack.
In November 2006, then-Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere issued nine arrest warrants in France for leading Rwandan figures who are close to Kagame, the current president, and who French authorities suspect of involvement in the plane attack.
French authorities are investigating because the plane's two pilots were French.
Kagame, who is in Germany for private meetings with business leaders, also said that Kabyue was in Frankfurt on official business, a status that could give her diplomatic immunity.
The president said that Kabyue's latest trip was also an official one and that she had been assigned to travel with the president.
Kabuye travelled to Germany in April but was protected from arrest then because she was there on official business.
Kagame also spoke at length about the recent crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which borders Rwanda.
Kagame insisted that he was not behind the unrest which has displaced hundreds of thousands in the war-torn country.
The Rwandan president said that it was for the neighbours of DRC and Africa in general to help solve the problem, not the European Union.

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Видео Presser by Rwandan President regarding arrest of his aide in Frankfurt канала AP Archive
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