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DIY Sound sensing LED circuit board

DIY Sound sensing LED circuit board

So we purchased a DIY music sensitive circuit board that you have to solder yourself from AliExpress. There's no instructions however the instructions are printed on the board in the form of electrical emblems. Its quite straight forward and comes with all the components needed to assemble including LEDs, Transistors, Capacitors, Sound sensitive microphone, various 5 ringed Resistors and of course the printed circuit board.

Once you have inserted the components and soldered the kit together, you will need to provide it power. The active power needed is between 3v and 5v. I used 5v.

When the circuit picks up sound of any kind it will put power through to the LEDs it does this pretty quickly and you should get a strip of LED lights that flash on and off to any music it picks up. You can even shout at it and it will pick up the sound and flash respectively.

The kit from AliExpress cost me around $1 and took around 4 weeks to arrive. It's a super cool bit of kit and goes together really easily with limited knowledge.

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Видео DIY Sound sensing LED circuit board канала AniCod
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