The School of Awakening presents: A Pure Awareness Meditation & Conversation with Eckhart
Thank you for joining in on Eckhart Tolle's live stream here on YouTube! Enrollment is open for a limited time to join Eckhart Tolle in The School of Awakening. Deepen your Presence. Discover your true purpose. Overcome difficult emotions.
Enroll in the School of Awakening:
Join others in receiving ongoing live monthly teachings, practical exercises, and meditations to help support the unfolding of your awakening process with Eckhart.
Dedicate yourself to a path of awakening with this five-month online immersion program. Students will be able to submit questions to Eckhart about their challenges on their spiritual journey. After completing the program, you’re meant to go out into the world to serve with a greater sense of who you are and why you are here.
Discover yourself, learn more about the School of Awakening:
“Manifestation can only be satisfying and truly effective when it arises out of the Being state of consciousness.”
—Eckhart Tolle
Видео The School of Awakening presents: A Pure Awareness Meditation & Conversation with Eckhart канала Eckhart Tolle
Enroll in the School of Awakening:
Join others in receiving ongoing live monthly teachings, practical exercises, and meditations to help support the unfolding of your awakening process with Eckhart.
Dedicate yourself to a path of awakening with this five-month online immersion program. Students will be able to submit questions to Eckhart about their challenges on their spiritual journey. After completing the program, you’re meant to go out into the world to serve with a greater sense of who you are and why you are here.
Discover yourself, learn more about the School of Awakening:
“Manifestation can only be satisfying and truly effective when it arises out of the Being state of consciousness.”
—Eckhart Tolle
Видео The School of Awakening presents: A Pure Awareness Meditation & Conversation with Eckhart канала Eckhart Tolle
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12 марта 2021 г. 7:18:32
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