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What If You Accelerated Your Heart to the Maximum?

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You know, the human body can be compared to a car. Not in the sense that we also have wheels or a bumper can come off, of course. But people have their own speedometer. If you speed the body too much, the limiter will work, just like in a car. Well, when it comes to machines, you can get rid of the limiter. And what about people?

#Heart #Science #HeartBeat
00:00 - Intro
00:18 - Human body experiment (John Stapp)
01:46 - What if you accelerated heart?
02:47 - Girl without fear (SM-046)
03:48 - "Broca’s area"
04:40 - Break brains to become geniuses
05:49 - 27 years coma
07:40 - Next awesome videos

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