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力比べ!強い父シャバーニに何度も戦いを挑むキヨマサ⭐️ゴリラ Gorilla【東山動物園】Kiyomasa repeatedly challenges his father Shabani.








This video was filmed on December 2, 2023.

I went to Higashiyama Zoo to see the Shabani family for the first time in a while.

On this day, I got to see a lot of Kiyomasa challenging his father, Shabani.

Even though Shabani stopped playing and left, Kiyomasa immediately tried again.

Shabani and Kiyomasa had a fight a while back, but their relationship seems to be good now.







Видео 力比べ!強い父シャバーニに何度も戦いを挑むキヨマサ⭐️ゴリラ Gorilla【東山動物園】Kiyomasa repeatedly challenges his father Shabani. канала ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
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4 декабря 2023 г. 15:02:28
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