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Планета «Соля́рис»

04.11.2023 Океан облаков навеял ассоциации с планетой из одноимённого фильма 1972 г. Андрея Тарковского.
04.11.2023 The ocean of clouds inspired associations with the planet from the 1972 film of the same name by Andrei Tarkovsky.
The planet Solaris was discovered more than a hundred and thirty years before the events described in the novel or a hundred years before the birth of the main character Chris Kelvin. Solaris is a satellite of a binary star system that moves in a complex orbit around both luminaries (red and blue). The location of the planet is localized by the Alpha of Aquarius. The diameter is about twenty percent larger than Earth's, there is an atmosphere unsuitable for human breathing. Initially, Solaris did not attract the attention of scientists, but after a few years it was discovered that the planet's orbit did not comply with the laws of celestial mechanics: according to calculations, Solaris was supposed to approach one of the stars after a while, and then fall on its surface, but the planet's orbit turned out to be stationary. Upon subsequent investigation, it turned out that almost the entire area of the planet is covered by an ocean of living gelatinous substance. The ocean could stabilize the orbit of the planet without any tools, by directly influencing the metric of space-time. At first, many hypotheses were put forward about the nature, organization and level of development of the Ocean, but after a number of studies, scientists concluded that the Ocean is a being with a highly developed mind, and it takes actions to correct the orbit of the planet quite consciously.

Since the discovery of oddities in the orbit of the planet, the science of solaristics originates, the main task of which was to establish contact with the thinking Ocean. The Solaris research station was built, which is a laboratory equipped with everything necessary for studying the Ocean, which hovers above the surface of the planet thanks to anti-gravity devices. In addition to the station, a satellite (artificial satellite) rotates in a circular orbit around Solaris, designed to monitor the orbit, collect data and communicate with the Earth.

It was discovered that the Ocean is able to form intricate structures on its surface, built using the most complex mathematical apparatus. The analysis of electromagnetic and gravitational waves generated by the ocean revealed certain patterns. However, numerous attempts at contact failed one after another: although the Ocean responded to various influences of researchers, no system could be found in its reactions. At the same time, the Ocean itself carried out some actions that the Earthlings interpreted as an attempt at contact on its part, but they could not be understood. Thus, all the collected facts did not advance the researchers at all in understanding how it is possible (and whether it is possible in principle) to communicate with the Ocean.

For the first forty years after the discovery, Solaris was not studied. Then Ottenskjold's expedition was sent to him, who studied Solaris from the Laocoon without landing on the surface. Thirteen years later, Shannon's expedition went to Solaris. It was this expedition that recognized the Ocean of Solaris as a living being. The reserve pilot of this expedition was Andre Burton, who was recognized as crazy for seeing a giant baby. Expedition physicist Fechner became the first victim of Solaris. The classification of "mimoids" is presented in Geze's monograph. Despite the efforts of outstanding scientists, solaristics has become a kind of descriptive science that has accumulated a huge array of facts, but could not draw any definite conclusions from them. After a while, stagnation set in, an increasing number of specialists became disillusioned with solaristics and tended to conclude that attempts to contact the Ocean were futile because of too large differences between it and people. The crew of the Solaris station was reduced to three or four people, and the meaning of its existence began to be questioned.

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