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How to Bypass SSL Pinning for Android Apps | Complete Guide for Penetration Testing

In this video, I walk you through a complete step-by-step guide on how to bypass SSL pinning for Android apps. SSL pinning is a common security feature that prevents man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, but it can be a roadblock for penetration testers and security researchers. Whether you're conducting mobile app security assessments, participating in bug bounty programs, or performing ethical hacking, this tutorial will show you how to intercept Android app traffic using Burp Suite and Magisk.

Tools Used in This Tutorial:
Magisk (for rooting Android devices):
Download Magisk here: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk

Magisk CA certificate module:
Download link:

Burp Suite (for intercepting and analyzing app traffic):
Download Burp Suite here: https://portswigger.net/burp

Proxy Manager (for routing Android app traffic through Burp Suite):
Download Proxy Manager from the Google Play Store.

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- https://medium.com/@usmandasthaheer/how-to-bypass-ssl-pinning-for-android-apps-a-step-by-step-guide-for-security-testing-13f2f4d10a2e

Видео How to Bypass SSL Pinning for Android Apps | Complete Guide for Penetration Testing канала The Cyber Monkey
mobile application penetration testing, bypass ssl pinning on android apps, bug bounty, ethical hacking, SSL Pinning Bypass on Android, android security, android ssl pinning bypass, ssl pinning bypass
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