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Make him chase you - 5 tricks - No games

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Back when you first started dating him, you wanted to make him chase you. In fact, that’s the natural goal in any relationship.

To be fair, there’s a little of each person that should be chasing, but it’s most important for the man to chase the woman first.

“Why? I mean, c’mon Carlos… We’re in the land of equality and female empowerment here! We should just be able to stop doing all these primitive mating rituals and just act like one giant genderless society, right? RIGHT?“

Okay, excuse my sarcasm there… Hopefully you smelled what I was cooking up with that.

The reality is that ATTRACTION is NOT logical.

And, if I may be so brave, attraction is not a CHOICE, either. You don’t get to just pick who you SHOULD want to feel attracted to. We don’t get to come up with an inventory, interview a bunch of people, and pick them out.

“Hey, you’re a good match. I’ll meet you for drinks on Friday and get attracted to you.”

Sounds silly, right?

So why do we argue with this concept over and over?

Well, the good news is that you can influence a man’s attraction.

In fact, you can downright guide him into falling in love with you… if you want to.

But we’ll get back to that in a bit.

I had a female friend that used to say: “I’ll get him to chase me until I catch him.”

You should make that your personal mantra. It’s GOLD.

Right now, I want to show you a few tricks ‘n tips for how to get him to chase you.

How To Get A Man To Chase You – TIP 1: STOP CHASING HIM…

I know this should be obvious, but I need to say it. If you want him to start chasing you, you have to stop chasing him.

Think about it – do you ever see a Chase-Chase dynamic anywhere?

The road runner never chased Wile E. Coyote…
Bugs Bunny never chased Elmer Fudd…
And a ton of other Warner Brothers cartoon examples…

There’s a dynamic that’s created by nature, and it’s chase/be-chased. You can let that flip-flop back and forth a bit, but the overwhelming majority of chasing is HIS responsibility.

If you are chasing him right now, you need to cut that $#&% out.

Chasing is an emotional message, and it reads like this:

“I’m chasing you because I find you attractive and valuable. And you have the value that I want to have in my life.”

I get it. It’s tough not to start chasing him. After all, the first time a man pulls away from you, your first impulse is to panic. “Oh NO! I’m losing him!” your insecurity screams.

But the women who really understand men know that they can’t let themselves fall victim to this panic impulse.

If you lack this emotional self-control, you should find a girlfriend that can help talk you down from the ledge when it happens.

How To Get A Man To Chase You – TIP 2: Give Him Competition…

I know, you’re probably saying – “Carlos! I don’t want to play games!”

Too late, dear. Love, Romance, & relationships ARE games. Somewhat complicated, but FUN games.

The game playing is wrong when you use it to achieve a selfish end. Or strictly as a shortcut.

But social games serve a purpose. And the people that avoid them are typically the ones that often don’t do well at them.

Remember: As a woman, you’re the steward of the relationship. It’s up to you to take the leadership role in making your relationship – or marriage – whatever you want it to be. The guy will usually follow if you handle him the right way.

So believe me when I tell you that it’s imperative that your man NOT think he’s got you all locked up. You need to leave a little doubt and uncertainty in his head that he’s the only one competing for you.

Men THRIVE on competition.

We need it to help push us to perform at our best.

Without it, we’re lazy slugs that sit around and binge watch shows in our underwear while playing video games…

Give him a reason to work for you. The chemicals that get released in his brain during competition are what help to lock him into obsessing over you.

Dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline…

These are the love hormones that make him want you.

So in short, stop trying to NOT-BE-SINGLE. It’s killing your game, woman!

Men want a woman that’s not chasing commitment like a cat chases a laser pointer.

I’ll tell you some more secrets about how to do that in a bit…

How To Get A Man To Chase You – TIP 3: Arouse His ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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Make him chase you - 5 Ways

Видео Make him chase you - 5 tricks - No games канала Carlos Cavallo
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1 ноября 2017 г. 19:00:06