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How to Overcome Shyness - Anna's Story

http://wingmam.com - How to Overcome Shyness

This video is a behind-the-scenes look at how to overcome shyness and gain confidence demonstrated by the real life story of Anna herself.

Anna wasn't always as outgoing and camera-enthusiastic as she is now. This took time, patience and practice so have a watch and find out her tips on how you can overcome shyness too.


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How I got over extreme shyness. I used to be so shy. (How shy?) I was so shy that when I was in Grade 7 I peed my pants in class because I was too embarrassed to raise my hand to go to the bathroom. True story. My best friend pushed my puddled chair under my desk as I backed out of the classroom. Of course, Mr. Wallace, who I had a crush on, said, “Anna Jorgensen, where are you going?” Whereupon everyone turned around and looked at me, which was exactly my fear in the first place. My only saving grace was that everyone thought I got my period.
So, I carried this extreme shyness throughout my entire adulthood until I was in my late 30s. Then, I learned how to get over it. Do you want to know how? Yes. Ok. I’ll tell you how.
When I was deciding that I might leave my real estate career, I thought I would take a writing class, because that’s where all shy introverts go…to writing classes. So, I went down to Seattle to take a screen writing class, and I never really had any interest in the film industry, but it was a three-week class and I could afford to take the time off, so I went there.
Didn’t read the fine print. Get to class. Find out one of the modules is called “On Your Feet”. What do you mean, On Your Feet? The On Your Feet part of it was where you got to act out scenes from scripts. On the fly. They give you the card and ten minutes later you have to act it out. And, because my instructor was Tom Skerritt, who is an award-winning actor, and I had already run away to Seattle. I wasn’t going to run away from this class. My very first scene was from The Graduate. If you don’t know that movie, it’s basically about a cougar who seduces a graduate. I had to do the bedroom scene. My very first scene. It was terrifying; I totally blacked out. I don’t remember. But, what happened was that, after three weeks of six days a week of having to do this everyday, it got less terrifying. So, I was like, hmm. After that I decided to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and do things that previously I held myself back from because I was too shy. I used to be so shy I couldn’t walk down the street because I was afraid people would look at me and I’d be seen. So, I started there. And then I would take myself out for lunch and eventually I was able to go to the theatre or go to wherever. Now I can do anything. I can go to any event, do anything, I’m never shy, I’m not intimidated by anybody. But it does take some time.
One of the things I can suggest that helps me… I created this alter-ego where I said, “I’m ‘yes’ girl today” so I’m just going to go out and play this role that I was ‘yes’ girl and I would act ‘as if’. So, what I’d like know from you, is what is something that you’ve held back from because of extreme shyness? And, here’s another thing, too, before you make a comment. Know that extreme shyness comes from insecurity and that insecurity comes from a fear of failure, fear of disappointing people, and fear of looking like an ass. None of those things really matter. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks really. It’s what we think and feel about ourselves. So, what is something that you’ve been holding yourself back from that maybe you’re going to be ready to start taking some steps toward conquering.
Write it in the comments below, and if you like this video, click “like”. If you want to receive more videos from me, click “subscribe”. And you can also join me live on Facebook. Also, there will be a link below the video to my WakeUp2Luv program, where I go into much more detail on how to get over all the things that are holding you back from becoming your best self and achieving love. So, check it out.

DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychiatrist—no way—or medical advisor—nope—you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Such is life.

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1 февраля 2017 г. 22:56:35