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藝苑掇英 懷舊國語時代曲 姚莉經典十二首 Yao Lee

1. 一年又一年
2. 那個不多情
3. 人面桃花
4. 重逢
5. 默默無言
6. 留戀
7. 人隔萬重山
8. 毋忘我
9. 夜歸人
10. 秋的懷念
11. 春風吻上我的臉
12. 大江東去
生平 姚莉出道時只有十三歲,起初只是因為興趣偶爾隨舅舅到電台播音表演,豈料一鳴驚人,歌唱才能被周璇和嚴華賞識,介紹加入百代唱片公司。她灌錄的第一張唱片是“賣相思”,與同一唱片中的另一首歌曲“清流映明月”風靡一時,頓時成為紅歌星。
三十年代上海播音事業發達,姚莉加入百代唱片公司之後,亦引薦哥哥姚敏加入。姚敏乃作曲天才,初期擔任歌手,與姚莉組成兄妹班,後來更從事作曲,為姚莉寫了不少歌曲。兄妹倆並與妹妹姚英組成音樂社,經常在電台表演。 姚莉生性淡泊,而且伺母至孝,与哥哥及姐姐的感情也非常密切。婚后更停止了公开表演,专心相夫教子。然而因为酷爱音乐,因此继续灌录唱片。在十多年的时间中,她由初期模仿周璇唱腔,活泼的少女声发展成稳健醇厚的成熟声,经过颇长的一番摸索。“带着眼泪唱”一曲混和了黑人怨曲(Blues)的唱法,是她改变唱腔的转折点。1950年移居香港以后,仍隶属百代旗下。此期间接触到美国流行女歌手PattiPage的唱片,甚为向往,演唱风格因而又为之一变。   在五十年代,姚莉灌录了不少中词西曲的唱片,也开始担任电影幕后代唱。自1956年代影星钟情演唱电影《桃花江》的插曲后,与钟情成了幕前幕后的最佳拍档。片头字幕上姚莉的名字往往比主演明星还要大。
1959年以後,姚莉已甚少擔任幕後代唱。  1967年姚敏逝世,姚莉痛失兄長,毅然退出歌壇。
1969年經百代公司力邀,始出任唱片監製,七年後才正式退休。代表作 姚莉灌錄過的名曲甚多。早年在上海灌錄的《得不到的愛情》、《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》、《風雨交響曲》、《秋的懷念》和《哪個不多情》等曲,至今仍受人們的青睞。 《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》一曲更靡聲國際,被改成英文歌曲,由美國男歌手FrankieLaine灌成唱片。 50年代在香港灌錄的唱片中,《春風吻上我的臉》、《雪人不見了》、《月下對口》及中詞西曲《大江東去》等,都是電台裡常常被觀眾點唱的歌曲。近來,姚莉醉人的歌聲又頻頻出現在銀幕上,台灣導演蔡明亮的新作《天邊一朵雲》中的《愛的開始》,香港導演關錦鵬的新作《長恨歌》中的《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》和香港導演王家衛的新作《愛神之手》中的《跟你開玩笑》,均是姚莉的保留曲目。除演唱之外,姚莉還曾嘗試作曲,《你給我回音》就是她自譜自唱的作品個人專輯2007年《單曲-不要你》   2001年《東方經典雙CD限量珍藏版》   早期作品(無法追溯年代)百代千禧世紀精選系列
Yao Lee (Chinese: 姚莉), also credited as Yao Li, Yiu Lei and Hue Lee (born September 1922), is a Chinese singer active from the 1930s to the 1970s. She is the sister of Yao Min, also a famous singer and songwriter. She was considered one of the Seven great singing stars of Shanghai in the 1940s.
Born Yáo Xiùyún (姚秀雲) and raised in Shanghai, Yao began performing on the radio in 1935 at the age of 13. When she was 14, she recorded her first single with Yan Hua (嚴華) called "New Little Cowherd" (新小放牛, Xin xiao fang niu). After being introduced by singers Zhou Xuan and Yan Hua, she was signed to Pathé Records when she was 16 in 1937, and the first record she released with the label was "Yearning for Sale" (賣相思, Mai Xiang Si).[1]
She married Huang Baoluo (黃保羅) in 1947 and ceased performing on stage to devote time to her family. Following the Communist seizure of power in China in 1949, popular music was considered ideologically suspect[2] and Yao fled to Hong Kong in 1950 to continue her singing career there. In addition to releasing hit records, beginning in 1955 with the film 桃花江 (Peach Blossom River), she often acted as a playback singer for movie superstars. Many of the featured songs would also become popular. She stopped singing in 1967 upon the death of her brother but took an executive position with EMI Music Hong Kong in 1969. In 1970, she returned to performing and travelled to Taiwan to perform there for the first time and sought unsuccessfully to sign Teresa Teng to EMI for the Hong Kong market. She retired officially in 1975 but remained supportive of singers such as Wakin Chau.
During the 1930s and 1940s, Yao Lee's high, soft singing style was typical of Chinese popular music of the time (influenced by her superstar idol, Zhou Xuan). She performed numerous popular standards, such as Wishing You Happiness and Prosperity (恭喜恭喜), "I Can't Have Your Love" (得不到你的愛情), and "By the Suzhou River" (蘇州河邊) with her brother Yao Min, arguably the best-known Chinese pop songwriter of the shidaiqu era.[3] She is famous for her 1940 version of Rose, Rose, I Love You (玫瑰玫瑰我愛你), later recorded by Frankie Laine in the United States with English lyrics. (Her version was also released in the US and the United Kingdom credited to "Miss Hue Lee"). Yao was known as "the Silver Voice" (銀嗓子) alluding to fellow Shanghai singer Zhou Xuan, who was known as "the Golden Voice" (金嗓子).
With increasing Western influences in the region after World War II and her move to Hong Kong, Yao Lee's singing style changed. She was introduced to more Western popular music and became an admirer of American singer Patti Page, whom she emulated by lowering her voice and incorporating some similar vocal mannerisms. As a result, Yao is sometimes called "Hong Kong's Patti Page." One of her biggest '50s records was "The Spring Breeze Kisses My Face" (春風吻上我的臉).
Yao was extremely prolific with over 400 gramophone records attributed to her.
Yao Lee's 1959 song "Ren Sheng Jiu Shi Xi" is featured in the 2018 film Crazy Rich Asians in the scene when the matriarch grandmother (played by veteran Chinese-American actor Lisa Lu first appears.

Видео 藝苑掇英 懷舊國語時代曲 姚莉經典十二首 Yao Lee канала Tuen Tony Kwok
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